Self-custodial staking on
Aptos Network

Delegate to our Aptos Validator.

Stake your $APT with our validator and enjoy the networks lowest fees. Maintain custody and voting power of your $APT stake.

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Continuous Rewards Compounding

Compound your rewards or withdraw in one-click at the end of each unlock period (1 month).

Staking Dashboard

Request your earned Aptos rewards at the end of each lockup period our dashboard. All you need is an Aptos wallet.

Self Custody

Only you can withdraw or unlock your funds. Keep your Voting power or delegate it to us.


Our Infrastructure Advantage

Our Aptos Validator was a consistent top performer on Aptos Validator leaderboards

Dedicated, High Availability Servers with excess capacity to maximize uptime

Automatic monitoring and alerts enabled to ensure reponsiveness to network upgrades and validator downtime

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Low Commission, High Uptime

The more you earn, the more we earn. We take a 12% commission of your rewards for managing your stake.


Uptime on Aptos Mainnet

Top 5 Validator

During AIT-1, AIT-2, & AIT-3 Testnets


Commission. No additional costs.

Knowledge Center

Frequently Asked Questions